A specific solution to every need, granted by our engineering know-how.

We have been dealing with all aspects related to noise control and reduction in the industrial, road and railway sectors since 1995.
Always attentive to all aspects related to noise and its impact on humans and the environment, at TECNOACUSTICA we are constantly looking for new anti-noise solutions and technologies.
We have mastered the most advanced techniques to manage the transmission and characterisation of noise, using suitable materials to reduce the unwanted and harmful effects on human health and intervening on the acoustics of the premises to avoid the annoying effects of echoes on understanding speech.
We operate nationally and abroad in the field of industrial, road and rail soundproofing and we are able to carry out interventions that guarantee the achievement of acoustic objectives in record time.
Passion, innovation and technique: these are the values that guide our professionals in all phases of intervention, from design to construction of the final installation.