

Silent walls

In the field of industrial soundproofing we work mainly on two different fronts:

  • Containment of the level of exposure of operators to noise produced by production machinery in compliance with Legislative Decree 81/2008;
  • Containment of noise emissions towards the outside in compliance with the Prime Minister’s Decree of 14/11/1997 and subsequent amendments.

We design, manufacture and install our noise reduction systems to ensure compliance with legal objectives and precise noise reduction guarantees.

Thanks to the esteem and trust of our clients, we have had the opportunity to fully satisfy their requests by carrying out different types of soundproofing interventions, offering our advice and our “turnkey” service.


SILENT PARTITION WALLS made using our modular TECNOSYSTEM or TECSON technology are used in production environments in order to set apart noisy areas from the quieter ones, or to separate a large production system from the rest of the area. Typically, silent walls inside a production area are full height.

Sometimes it is necessary to insert access doors and have many transparent surfaces to give operators outside the widest view of the systems, ensuring speedy emergency interventions. Silent walls can also be totally blind and suitably equipped with emergency exits complete with panic handles and outstanding visibility.
